It just seems funny to me that we all live in a warm, wonderful environment, and still catch all these colds. We have done nothing but pass it around for weeks!! I guess germs don't care anything about temperatures!
My son-in-laws Father and father's girlfriend are visiting. They are very nice, and it is always a pleasure to have them here. But, somehow I always feel like the proverbial 5th wheel. I'm not sure why, but I feel in the way, I wish when they had company, I could be gone. I may be gripping about something that is not even a real problem!!!!! I do that quite often, always have. His Mother and step father are coming next. She is very nice, but also very strange. Not strange, like weird, but just different than most people, and he fits her perfectly. I know they will all love seeing the children. I can't have them to myself all the time!!!!
Well, that's about all for now, I just don't feel up to par and I am DONE...Thanks for your time.. God Bless. Enjoy the picture!!!
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