Sunday, January 18, 2009


It just seems funny to me that we all live in a warm, wonderful environment, and still catch all these colds. We have done nothing but pass it around for weeks!! I guess germs don't care anything about temperatures!

My son-in-laws Father and father's girlfriend are visiting. They are very nice, and it is always a pleasure to have them here. But, somehow I always feel like the proverbial 5th wheel. I'm not sure why, but I feel in the way, I wish when they had company, I could be gone. I may be gripping about something that is not even a real problem!!!!! I do that quite often, always have. His Mother and step father are coming next. She is very nice, but also very strange. Not strange, like weird, but just different than most people, and he fits her perfectly. I know they will all love seeing the children. I can't have them to myself all the time!!!!

Well, that's about all for now, I just don't feel up to par and I am DONE...Thanks for your time.. God Bless. Enjoy the picture!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Crazy OLD Lady....

I have to tell on myself, the electricity went off night before last and I had to reset my clock. Well, this morning I got up, hurried to get dressed to take my Grand son to the Bus for school. I was just getting ready to go in and wake him up and for some reason glanced once more at the clock, IT WAS ONLY 10 minutes until 6 A.M... We never get him up until seven, I'd set my clock an hour early somehow, so irratating and noone but myself to blame. Oh well, whats done is done, I'll just have a little bit longer day!

Here's something to make you smile............................................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lazy Blogger...

Hi Everyone..

I know its been quite awhile since I excuses, just didn't think I had anything interesting to say. I hope anyone that reads this had a wonderful, blessed Christmas and a very safe, Happy New Year.

Everyone here has been sick off and on. Right now it is my daughter, Brina and grand daughter, Chloe. Brina is starting to feel a little better, Chloe is just starting hers and feeling miserable.

I've been talking to a man online, "Elvis", he is an impersonator, seems really nice, but he is wanting to meet and I AM A CHICKEN. It just seems a little scary to meet a strange person...without backup! If you know what I mean. But, it is very nice to have someone to talk to once in awhile...other than family. Someone to kind of flirt with, does that make me sound bad? It is just fun, and harmless as long as we are separated by E-lines.

Anyway, I hurt my shoulder in a fall at the movies..some older ladies dropped her soda and didn't bother to tell anyone..and I slipped in it. They think I may have torn the rotor cuff {or is that cupp?} Anyway, we're going through all the steps to get to what ever it is they are going to do to me. Sure does hurt {most of the time anyway}.

That's about all for now, God Bless and if you took the time to read this...Thanks. I appreciate you!!!
