Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm back

Haven't done much lately, so it kind of makes it hard to write anything interesting. But, I did get to go the movies with my daughter, Brina on Sunday. It was a good movie, The Women, not the best, but good. However, we had two little old ladies sitting close to us and they spent the whole movie passing gas and burping and clearing their throats. Then when we got up to leave, as I stepped over their feet, they had spilled water on the floor and didn't bother to tell us and I slipped and almost hit the floor. I was so mad, I mean, just because your old doesn't mean you have the right to be rude and disrespectful. I could have broken my leg. My daughter was angry too, but where I just glared, she told them how rude they were. They still never said they were sorry or even offered to move. I just don't understand some people, its just common manners, common respect. Oh well, I hope whoever reads this had a wonderful weekend, without any problems. God Bless, talk again soon......Linda

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Go away IKE

Hi All:

I guess we got lucky again, Ike has missed us and unfortunately is heading towards Texas. So far we have been awfully lucky, we've had

9 hurricanes this season and we've basically missed them all...Oh, we got some of the wind and rains, but we missed them bad parts.

Everything here is going okay, Chloe feels much better. And her lip looks better than we thought was possible. It is not going to leave a big scar. We got lucky there too!!!!

Have a blessed day, talk again soon. God Bless...........Linda

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Waiting to see what IKE does!!

Chloe is feeling better [after her busted lip experience] and Quinn is doing fine. We're all waiting to see what Ike does, they say he may change course and miss us. I hope so, I don't need to experience a hurricane....again!!!
Today is Eric and Brina's [my son-in-law and my daughter] anniversary...11 years. They are going out to dinner tonight. Nothing to exciting.
Have a glorious, wonderful day. God Bless......Linda

Isn't my new car pretty?????

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

Hello Anyone;

I hope you had a wonderful, safe Labor Day, we did not. My beautiful baby Grand daughter busted her mouth open..........................................>>>

Doesn't she look awful, poor baby got 8 stitches. She was trying to climb up on a chair and slipped. Hit her mouth on the table and then hit the floor. I couldn't hug her enough, I was sure wishing I could have been standing closer and caught her. I felt so bad.

Take care and God Bless......Linda