Thursday, July 31, 2008

Missed a day...oh well, who would notice???

Look at that grey hair, looks like some old woman...oh wait, it is an old woman!!! I just haven't had anything real exciting happen for so long, I just don't have anything interesting to say.

Oh, I did hear from my friend..that I haven't heard from in years. That was kind of exciting. I wrote back, and I assume I will hear from her again. We were very good friends back in the OLD DAYS. After she got married, we kind of lost track. Always good to know how old friends are faring.

Take care, God loves you!!! Linda

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another day in paradise

It was a beautiful day, we went shopping and swimming, and now we are just lazing around before we get the kids ready for bed. The picture here is my new car, isn't she pretty!!

I don't really know why I started this, I have no one to talk to now, I don't know why I want to write to NOONE!!! Anyway, I had a good day.

Take care, hope your day was special too. God Bless...Linda

Monday, July 28, 2008


Well the day is almost over, its been fairly quiet. I went to the doctor early this morning, to dinner this afternoon, to the chiropractor, Karate [Quinn] , and home to enjoy the rest of the evening. I wish I could have been with my friends from Church for the day, but, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN any time soon.

I'll write more tomorrow, hope everyone had a splendid day!!

God Bless.........Linda

Sunday, July 27, 2008

2nd day of blogging

Hi All....

It so far is a very quiet, peaceful Sunday. A beautiful day to just be together. I just love the serenity and togetherness, BUT, I am going to get up in a few minutes and who knows what kind of day we'll have. I think I am just going to go for a little ride and see what I run into. Everyone else seems content to just laze around today [actually playing in the pool], but I am getting a little restless. Anyway, just saying a little Hello and I hope whoever reads this, has a wonderful, blessed day.

Take Care, Linda

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New to this !

Hey; Aren't these the best looking kids ever??? I know, yours are the best looking, but you have to admit, my grand babies are pretty cute!! They and their Mother are the reasons I am in Florida. I love the area, but so far the people aren't overly friendly. Some are down right mean spirited!!
It is awfully lonely here, but the weather is wonderful!!! I finally did get to see an alligator, the zoo. Fierce!! Lots to do with the kids around here...if you have the money!
I am new at this, so until I know if this is working, I'll stop for now. I hope I get someone to talk to, that would be really nice. How do you know if people will even read this?? I am not a computer expert, Heck, I'm just barely able to find my way around. But, I decided to try anyway. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Have a wonderful, blessed day. God Bless......Linda